For your bleeding edge enjoyment, we are providing the ChangeLogs for the -current development tree as well as the latest stable release on the web site. The latest ChangeLogs can always be found on We are updating this page every hour, so they will remain fairly current. 1/13/2021; 55 minutes to read; b; b; a; In this article. The Changelog represents everything new from all the builds from the Active Development Branch released to the Dev Channel.This page includes everything noted as part of the 'What's new' and 'General changes & improvements' sections of the blog posts published for each build on the Windows Blog and does not contain other. Changelog (standard) Show: Standard log Early Access BUILD 6242 (2021-01-05)-Fix incorrect controller initialization in previous update. BUILD 6240 (2020-12-29)-Support for Pioneer DJM-S11-Native support for Mac with M1 processor-Scratchbank pad page added. Fixed GPS position. (Already committed in previous revision but was not added to changelog) Improved WARNING, FIRE, ANTISKID OFF, ANTISKID FAIL and CAUTION lights brightness; Improved FD buttons brightness of C-101EB forward cockpit; Improved AOA indexer light brightness; Fixed brightness of priority transfer korry dots. Both for C-101EB and C.
Edge Changelog
Minecraft Comes Alive v6.0.0-beta for 1.12.2

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Changelog Format
This version of MCA has been fully rewritten from the ground up to be more user, server, and mod friendly with a streamlined and robust codebase. Compatibility with previous saves should not be expected.
Major: RadixCore is no longer a required dependency.
Feature: Villagers performing a chore or movement action show their status below their name.
Feature: Player marriage has been shifted to the /mca command.
Feature: Added /mca-admin commands for operators and server administrators.
Feature: GUI and API elements have been externalized and may be customized as you please with a constraints system.
Feature: More configuration options for server administrators.
Feature: Children now grow in stages - baby, toddler, child, teen, adult.
Feature: Added Guard careers: Hero, Archer, Warrior.
Changed: Chores are now smarter, require no configuration before running, and should play more nicely with modded items.
Changed: Mining is now called Prospecting.
Changed: Villager personalities and moods no longer affect interactions.
Changed: The crystal ball and setup menu is no longer required.
Changed: Reaper battle has been tweaked for fairness.
Changed: Reviving villagers no longer requires a memorial item.
Changed: Engagement ring now allows marriage with only 50% of the required hearts.
Fixed: Random crashing on servers due to java.lang.ClassCastException when approaching villages.
Fixed: Villagers all have their proper vanilla trades based on their profession.
Fixed: Married to '?' will no longer occur on LAN.
Fixed: Health display issues have been fixed.
Fixed: Lost/forgotten player histories on servers.
Fixed: Villagers should trend towards their home points and not wander too far away.
Fixed: Crashes related to null item stacks.
Minecraft Comes Alive v6.0.0 for Minecraft 1.12.2
Feature: In-game notifications for updates.Feature: Modified female bodies have been added back.Feature: Player children now take a profession on growing to an adult.Feature: Rose Gold generation can now be disabled.
Changed: 'Romantic' interaction constraint changed to 'Adults'.
Fixed: You are now notified of your child's death.Fixed: Interaction fatigue was not applying properly.Fixed: Crashes resulting from using the Villager Spawner block.Fixed: Inability to interact with some villagers.Fixed: Guards now behave more like normal villagers.Fixed: Villagers from eggs will no longer spawn with the Nitwit or Child profession.Fixed: Negative gifts will no longer be taken from the player.Fixed: Engagement ring now works properly.Fixed: Automatic crash reporting wasn't working properly.Fixed: Inability to procreate with Guards.Fixed: Crash when a villager dies of fall damage.Fixed: Villagers wandering away from their homes.Fixed: The villager editor will no longer produce Pillagers.Fixed: The force child growth command now works properly.Fixed: Romantic actions appearing on non-adults.Fixed: Crashes with other mods referencing onPlaySoundAtEntityEvent.Fixed: Overspawn of guards in villagers. Now limited to 10 guards at a time.Fixed: Missing message for riding horses on spouses.