073: A Bite of Applesauce May 20, 1989 Connie's curiosity gets the best of her when she runs a program called 'Applesauce' and everything in Whit's End goes haywire!
- A list of most of the major Bible stories told on AIO. (To simplify, only those episodes are listed where the actual Bible story is told. For example, 73: A Bite of Applesauce tells the story of Adam and Eve, but does it with a modern adaptation of the story. Thus, that episode isn't included in the list.
- Sift cocoa, salt, baking soda, cinnamon and flour ingredients and add to sugar mixture, alternately with applesauce. Pour into 10-1/2 X 15-1/2 inch jelly roll pan.
Album 5: Daring Deeds, Sinister Schemes | ||
Episodes:66: The Imagination Station, Part 167: The Imagination Station, Part 2 73: A Bite of Applesauce 76: Eugene's Dilemma 74: Connie Goes to Camp, Part 1 75: Connie Goes to Camp, Part 2 77: The Nemesis, Part 1 78: The Nemesis, Part 2 79: Our Best Vacation Ever 82: Heatwave 83: The Battle, Part 1 84: The Battle, Part 2 |
73: A Bite Of Applesauce Muffins
Gold Audio 5: Daring Deeds, Sinister Schemes | |||||
Episodes:66: The Imagination Station, Part 167: The Imagination Station, Part 2 72: An Encounter with Mrs. Hooper * 73: A Bite of Applesauce 76: Eugene's Dilemma 74: Connie Goes to Camp, Part 1 75: Connie Goes to Camp, Part 2 77: The Nemesis, Part 1 78: The Nemesis, Part 2 79: Our Best Vacation Ever 83: The Battle, Part 1 84: The Battle, Part 2 * Changed from original (see note below) |
73: A Bite Of Applesauce Bread
This was the first AIO collection in which most of the episodes contributed to one central storyline, the introduction of Whit's computer past and present, and the arrival of Dr. Blackgaard and Richard Maxwell. Nearly all characters involved in these albums became more mature and the stories themselves were more mature in nature and far more exciting and interesting. Coupled with the beginning of the Blackgaard saga, the introduction of the Imagination Station, and a few funny episodes, this is certainly the best album out of the first nine or so and far, far above any of the ones before it.
Favorite Episode: The Battle
Rating: 4 stars
The original version of this album did not feature 72: An Encounter with Mrs. Hooper, which featured Richard Maxwell's introduction. (It was originally include in Album 6: Terrific Tales, Mysterious Missions). To correct this for the 'Gold Audio Series,' 'Hooper' has been put back in album 5 and 82: Heatwave will be included in album 6.
73: A Bite Of Applesauce Butter
The beginning of the Blackgaard saga
The introduction of the Imagination Station
73: A Bite Of Applesauce Cake
Order from Focus on the Family
Order from CBD
Order from Tommy Nelson