Cost Engineering Guidance (CEG) 5: Criteria Manuals: 14: Design-Build Master RFP: 12: Regional A/E Guides: 2: Maintenance & Operations Manuals: 34: Interim Technical Guidance (ITG) 35: P-Publications: 4: NAVFAC CAD: 9: Collateral Equipment (FF&E) Criteria & Templates: 42.
- The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) Manual for Design and Engineering describes the agency's procedures and standards for preparing project construction documents.
- ENGINEERING DESIGN MANUAL. Brunswick County Engineering Design Manual for Water & Sewer Systems (Rev 1.05 May 2020) STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. Table of Contents (Rev 1.00 Sept 2012) 001 – Definitions and Terms (Rev 1.01 June 2020) 002 – Existing Underground Utility Lines and Structures (Rev 1.00 Sept 2012) 003 – Field Engineering (Rev 1.00.
Engineering Design Manual
The Design Manual was adopted by City Council at their regular meeting on May 20, 2019
Click Here to view the full Design Manual
The sections are as follows:
On September 18, 2017 the City Council authorized Kimley-Horn to assist the Public Works Department in the development of an Engineering Design Manual. The goal of this process was to produce a comprehensive manual for infrastructure design and construction that will enhance the City’s development and capital improvement process by ensuring the requirements are consistent throughout the City and that the design of elements will best serve the long-term needs of the City.
The Department has undertaken this task with the following goals in mind:
- Provide a user-friendly set of standards to govern infrastructure and land development
- Increase clarification of existing design and construction policies, standards, and criteria
- Address design and construction policies not currently covered. Include new standards and materials
- Improve the function and service life of public infrastructure
The manual is divided into eight (8) main sections and seven (7) appendices that provide comprehensive guidance on designing and constructing infrastructure within the City of Mesquite.
Engineering Design Guide
- Section 1: General Design Requirements
- Section 2: Roadway and Traffic Design Requirements
- Section 3: Drainage Design Requirements
- Section 4: General Utility Requirements
- Section 5: Water Design Requirements
- Section 6: Wastewater Design Requirements
- Section 7: Structural Design Requirements
- Section 8: Landscape and Irrigation Design Requirements
- Section 9: Definitions and Abbreviations
- Appendix A:Miscellaneous Reference Documents
- Appendix B:Checklists
- Appendix C:Construction General Notes
- Appendix D:Standard Details
- Appendix E:Approved Material Lists
- Appendix F:Technical Specifications
Should you have any questions regarding the draft design manual, please email or call Christina Hickey at (972) 216-6432.
Usace Engineering Design Manual
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