The program evaluates sensors in the field, under ambient conditions, and in the laboratory under controlled environmental conditions. In the field, sensors are tested alongside one or more of South Coast AQMD’s existing air monitoring stations using traditional federal reference or equivalent method instruments to gauge overall performance. Fieldwork Experience Assessment Tool (FEAT) COE Guidelines for Occupational Therapy Fieldwork Experience - Level II - pdf, 249 kb; Position Paper: Fieldwork Level II and Occupational Therapy Students. Engage the stakeholders in the evaluation B. Describe the surveillance system to be evaluated B1. Describe the public health importance of the healthrelated event under surveillance- B2. Describe the purpose and operation of the surveillance system. Describe the resources used to operate the system. Focus the evaluation design. This shows you have to complete matches for the rare bounty Macro Field Evaluation from Ada-1 of the black armory in Destiny 2 shadow keep.
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- Field 2 Evaluation Process
Welcome to the home page for Field II! Here you will findall the information about the program along with executables and examplesthat you can download.
The Field IIpro parallel version has nowbeen released for use. It is found in versions forboth Matlab and Octave and it also exist in a C library versionusable for buidling stand-alone executables. More information aboutthe program can be found at: Field IIproin the left menu. Here you can also find a paper about the performance of Field IIpro.
Version 3.24 of Field II for widows has been released for Matlab 8.10. This mex file is compiled using the GNU gcc compiler and should hopefully fixthe problem with Field II under windows. Youcan find the code at: Download/For Matlab 8.20in the left menu.
You can now follow Field II on LinkedIn andpost comments and discussions. You can freelyjoin the group named: Field II Ultrasound Simulation Program, where news aboutnew version of Field II will be posted.
Field II is a program for simulating ultrasoundtranducer fields and ultrasound imaging using linearacoustics. The programs uses the Tupholme-Stepanishen methodfor calculating pulsed ultrasound fields. The programis capable of calculating the emitted and pulse-echofields for both the pulsed and continuous wave casefor a large number of different transducers. Alsoany kind of linear imaging can be simulated as well asrealistic images of human tissue. The programis running under Matlab on a number of differentoperating system (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X), and the programs are currently free to useunder certain restrictions (see copyright).
The latest release of the program isversion 3.24 of May 12, 2014. Note that this code will work withMatlab 8.20 under Linux, Mac and Windows in 64 bits versions.
Field 2 Evaluation Tools
Note that for the Windows 64 bits version you have to havethe Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 run-time libraries for this version to work.This you can either get by installing the compiler and using mex -setupor download the Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 run-time libraries from the link:
The latest News is from May 24, 2014 aboutversion 3.24 of Field II for windows compiled with the GNU gcc compiler.
Why a new web-site? The University have decided to close downthe Linux server running this site in May 2012, and I had to find analternative. I was also increasingly getting tired of having yet anotherweb-addres that people should search to find. I have therefore decidedto privately host this web-address, and I hope to keep it alive as longas there is any interest in Field II, which I hope will be for a very longtime. If you have any comments or suggestions you can contact me
Jørgen Arendt Jensen
The Field Training and Evaluation Program (FTEP) also known as the Field Training Officer Program (FTOP or FTP) was first designed by the San Jose California Police Department.[1][2] Over the years this program has evolved and changed as other departments adopted it.[3]
Pre 1960 San Jose had no formal training system. In the early 1960s they participated in a P.O.S.T. (Police Officer's Standardized Training), brief academy, initially utilizing an informal checklist. Lt. Robert Allen proposed an 8-week program in 1972 using the first DOR. In 1973 the program was overhauled and a department psychologist established the one (1) to seven (7) rating scale from ten thousand (10,000) behavioral descriptions from thirty-five hundred (3,500) D.O.R.s (Daily Observation Reports). In 1974 a questionnaire from seventy (70) FTOs established the rating criteria of a one (1), four (4) and seven (7) which was the basis of the Standard Evaluation Guidelines.Since San Jose the program has been modified, most notably by the Houston Police Department in the early 1980s, the Travis County Sheriff's Office in 1992, and the Reno Police Department via a DOJ Grant in the early 2000s. The Travis County Model as developed by then Sgt. Richard Whitehead has been modified and simplified again and is now known as the Whitehead model and affectionately known by its users as the 'Common Sense' model. In 2018 Whitehead introduced software for its program users.
Program Orientation[edit]
The most critical time of the FTO program is the first few days. The new job creates stress as a result of change. The FTP is another step in the overall process. The trainee is the FTP key figure. The FTO Sergeant should contact the FTO and trainee once per shift. The San Jose model is a score based model (trainee scored every day during the program) versus Houston and Travis County/Whitehead models which separate Training phases from Evaluation phases, i.e. scoring only occurs during Evaluation.
The Programs[edit]
The San Jose Program should be seventy (70) days and fifty-five (55) D.O.R.s. There are four progressive phases. The D.O.R. is completed each day and the scores are discussed between the FTO and trainee.
- Phase I consists of five (5) working days and is recorded as limbo time for the trainee. Limbo time does not count against the trainee and allows him/her time to observe his Field Training Officer.
- Phase II consists of five (5) working days that the trainee will be evaluated by the senior Field Training Officer.
- Phase III consists of five (5) days of shadow time.
- Phase IV is divided into three (3) segments consisting of seven working days of which five (5) days require a completed D.O.R.
- Phase V is the balance of the 365-day probationary period.
Only phases two (2) and three (3) can be extended and only for twenty and five days respectively. A D.O.R. with a rating of one (1) for two (2) consecutive training days will be forwarded immediately to the FTO Commander.The program described above is a base program modeled after the San Jose FTEP. It is important to note that many departments have longer and very restrictive FTE programs. The San Jose is only a base model and many departments develop similar programs with the differences ranging from minimal to the very extensive.
The Houston Program has seven phases:Phase 1–4 are TrainingPhase 5 is EvaluationPhase 6 is Remedial Training in any Performance Categories FAILED in Phase 5.Phase 7 is Final Evaluation
Training is documented separately from evaluation in 16 Performance Categories. Checklist of required training topics. With lesson plan to be completed per phase. A trainee works at his/her own pace and level upon entering the program and is allowed to complete the entire program minus being a safety hazard. Heavy documentation of actual training performed to include specific strengths and weaknesses. Documentation is completed and reviewed with the trainee daily. Trainers cannot evaluate a trainee they trained. Must go through at least two evaluators for two different opinions of ability. Mandates a Termination Review Committee. Scoring is done on a scale of 1 to 5. All scores are defined. Trainers are trained in two job classifications as either instructors or evaluators.
The Travis County (Whitehead) model is similar to Houston's except scoring is Pass/Fail. Uses 14 performance categories. The documentation is sufficient yet thorough and extremely defendable. Since 1992 it has never had a court challenge.
The Whitehead model ~ Easily implementable and flexible to size of dept. (Length of Program & Phases)~ 14 Performance Categories.~ Checklist of required training topics and a per-phase lesson plan.~ Trainee encouraged to do as much as capable.~ Training documented separate from Evaluation (Ghost). No scores during training, but mechanisms in place for removal if NRT. (Focus is on training not a score.) ~ When documentation contains specific deficient behavior it must also include the specific remedial training done and the trainee’s response to that training. (Highly acclaimed by program users.)~ Documentation tracks types of incidents trainee has been exposed to so program managers can make adjustments to call exposure as program progresses.~ During Evaluation (Ghost) Scoring is Pass / Fail. This critical decision takes at least 2 Evaluators (FTO’s) to determine. ~ Scores are clearly defined.~ Training Review Committee mandated as part of a Checks and Balance system.
The Whitehead model has been modified and used: New Supervisors, Corrections, Communications, Fire/EMS, SWAT, etc.
Next we will discuss why FTEP programs are valuable.
Value of the FTEP[edit]
The FTEP / FTOP is a court tested and E.E.O.C. consistent program because it is part of the selection process. (Job related tasks) It is a test with the selection process. A good test is both credible and job related.
Legal considerations[edit]
The Commission On Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA), requires that any agencies seeking accreditation must conduct formal field training, as do many state accreditation processes.A good FTOP reduces civil litigation alleging negligent hiring and retention of trainees.It is a cost-effective way of eliminating non-effective, non-productive personnel.
FTO (Field Training Officer)[edit]
The FTO is usually a senior officer within the department that has been trained in the FTP. The FTO's duties consist of training and evaluating the trainee. He is responsible for explaining policy and procedure. He provides orientation to the trainee within their jurisdiction. He encourages self-initiated activity as well as good driving habits. The FTO is responsible for testing the trainee verbally and through written test. He is required to complete, document and discuss the scores from the DOR with the trainee. The FTO must provide remedial training for the trainee if it is necessary.
On May 25, 2020 a video showing Minneapolis citizen George Floyd being choked to death by 19 year veteran of the Minneapolis Police Department, Derek Chauvin went viral.[4] The two officers who held down Floyd's arms and legs defended themselves from criticisms they should have stopped Chauvin from killing Floyd by pointing out this was their first week on the job, and Chauvin was their training officer.
D.O.R. (Daily Observation Report)[edit]
The San Jose DOR is a sheet that is completed by the FTO and then scored at the end of the shift. The report is scored on a sliding scale between the numbers of 1 and 7. A 1 is unacceptable and a 7 is exceptional. The DOR encompasses 29 grade-able task (performance categories) depending on the departments program. Some of the task include, Appearance, Attitude, Knowledge, Performance and Relationships. Each task category may have several sub-categories.
The Houston DOR's are separated Training/Evaluation. Scoring on a 1–5 scale only occurs during Evaluation Phases. Documentation of the training that is occurring is documented on both.
The Travis County/Whitehead models are similar to Houston and scoring is Pass/Fail. Houston and TCSO use 16 performance categories and Whitehead uses 14.
FTO program use by other professions[edit]
FTO programs (sometimes called FTEP, FTP, probationary program, or other names) are a relatively new concept in Emergency Medical Services (E.M.S.). Many EMS medical directors are mandating a formal orientation process that is more robust and comprehensive than the credentialing process typically seen in hospital organizations. This is particularly true of agencies that perform 'High Risk/Low Frequency' skills that are subject to increased scrutiny. As a result, there are a number of EMS agencies who are adapting law enforcement FTO programs to new EMS providers.
Destiny 2 Field Evaluation
EMS programs are unique in that they have both public safety and medical concerns and parameters, and also work dramatically different schedules than normally seen in law enforcement. EMS agencies often struggle to integrate clinical parameters into the law enforcement model of evaluation. As a result, there are significantly more variation in programs than commonly seen in Law Enforcement. That said, agencies that have successfully integrated and developed and FTO program have better retention, performance, and accountability.
Destiny 2 Field Evaluation
- ^Cary A. Caro (2011-06-24). 'Predicting State Police Officer Performance in the Field Training Officer Program: What Can We Learn from the Cadet's Performance in the Training Academy?'. American Journal of Criminal Justice. 36 (4): 357–370. doi:10.1007/s12103-011-9122-6. S2CID143297766.
The field training officer serves as a mentor to the newly graduated officer, monitors their on-the-job performance, and provides ongoing, developmental feedback over the course of the program.
- ^Larry A. Giddings; Mark Furstenberg; Henry J. Noble. (1970). Truman Walrod (ed.). Manual on Training for Sheriffs. U.S. Government Printing Office. Retrieved 2020-06-11.
- ^Larry K. Gaines; John L. Worrall (2011). Police Administration. Nelson Education. p. 306. ISBN9781133418870. Retrieved 2020-06-11.
- ^'Police reforms long overdue'. Rockford Register Star. 2020-06-10. Retrieved 2020-06-10.
Make field training officer positions prestigious, well-paid assignments that only the highest performers qualify for. It’s worth noting that Chauvin was assigned to an FTO position despite having 18 previous complaints filed against him. The day of Floyd’s death, he had two rookies shadowing him. If you want better cops, find better teachers.