Bringing faith to life-Faith Lutheran Church, Appleton, WI. A multi-site congregation that values families, teaching, joyful service,outreach and dynamic worship. Also home of Celebration Lutheran School, Celebration Children's Center, and Faith Child Care. This site offers Bible studies and Bible study notes from a Lutheran perspective. Some are Devotional Bible studies and others are more indepth studies. The main focus of all of these Bible Studies is to connect you to Jesus Christ, the Savior of the worl. Online Lutheran Bible Study This is an in-depth study of the book of Luke based on the Concordia Commentary. This version includes a study guide with questions and answers. There is another version of this study guide that includes questions and no answers. An Advent Bible StudyAn Advent Bible Study 1. Look at Luke 1:5-25, 57-66, and describe who Zechariah was and the circumstances surrounding this song. Zechariah only used two sentences in his twelve-verse song. What is the main topic of the first sentence (vv. The second sentence (v.
- Luke Bible Study (19:2921:38)online Lutheran Bible Study Bible
- Luke Bible Study (19:2921:38)online Lutheran Bible Study Scriptures
- Luke Bible Study (19:2921:38)online Lutheran Bible Study Lessons
- Luke Bible Study (19:2921:38)online Lutheran Bible Study Guide
Overflowing Abundance
Sometimes, in seasons of stress and brokenness, we keep our eyes down. Trudging forward. Never looking up to see our Provider. Yet when Christ is present, the weary find rest and the hungry soul is satisfied. Come and be fed by the only One who provides for your every need and fills you … body and soul … with Overflowing Abundance. By Donna Snow.
Download the Bible Study workbook here.
The Task-Filled Life
Overwhelmed with your task-filled life? 6 main sessions, each followed by 5 short devotional sessions to dig deeper. By Jan Brunette.
Read it online here or access a printable version.
At Table with Jesus
Many significant things happened over a meal during Jesus' earthly ministry. Journey into the Scriptures and take a seat around the meal table where Jesus dines. 7 sessions. By Rev. Kris Whitby.
Download the study guide and leader guide here.
Whatever … Keeping Your Heart in Tune with Whatever Life Brings
Based on Philippians 4:8-9, each lesson contains Bible study, personal reflection and practical ideas to incorporate into your life. 6 sessions. By Anneke Hudson.
Download the women's edition or teen's edition here.
Living with Pain — Strength and Survival
What is the Christian's response to pain physically, emotionally, and spiritually? 8 sessions. By Roxanne M. Smith.
Download the study guide and leader guide here.
Mountaintop Journeys with Jesus
Visit some of the mountains that marked Jesus' earthly sojourn among us, and remember and celebrate His unconditional love for us. 7 sessions. By Rev. Robert Selle.
Download the Bible study here.
75 Years in Mission
The conclusion of the Bible study presented to the 2017 LWML Convention included a summary of themes used at LWML national conventions throughout our 75-year history. By Deaconess Betty Knapp.
75 Years in Mission PowerPoint and video
Focus Lost … Focus Restored
Deals with 14 biblical personalities and examples of times when they lost their focus and when their focus was restored by God. By Rev. John Heckmann. 14 sessions.
Focus Lost … Focus Restored — Leader Guide (56 pages)
Focus Lost … Focus Restored — Student Guide (24 pages)
Gifts, Chosen for You
Every Christian has spiritual gifts. What are yours? Learn about the spiritual gifts of administration, faith, generosity, mercy, prophecy, service, teaching, and wisdom. By Cheryl Mattil. 8 sessions.
Gifts, Chosen for You Bible Study with Leader Notes
Every Picture Can Tell God's Story
Designed to help open your eyes to new ways to be a winsome witness of Jesus using your personal photographs and experiences. At the end of the study you will have a Witness Album completed and ready to share. By Diane Grebing. 6 sessions.
Every Picture Can Tell God's Story — Leader Edition
Every Picture Can Tell God's Story — Study Edition
Our Hope and Future
Based on Jeremiah 29:11–12, presents the question: are you concerned about the future? This study helps us gain insight by replacing the worries of the world with God's truth and reassurance. Discover God's plans for a life of hope, faith, and support in Him. By Donna Snow. 4 sessions.
Our Hope and Future
Love's Priceless Gift
Based on John 3:16, recounts God's pursuit of us in love. This study offers incredible insight and fresh clarity into one of the most well-loved passages in all of Scripture. Fall in love all over again through the One who first loved us. By Donna Snow. 4 sessions.
Love's Priceless Gift
Unveiled Faces
Based on 2 Corinthians 3:17–18, helps you discover that just as oxygen gives life to your body, so the Spirit gives life to your soul. Take a deep breath and be refreshed by the very breath of God. By Donna Snow. 4 sessions.
Unveiled Faces
Faith or Famine
Based on Hebrews 11:1&6, explores the Biblical principles of cultivating and maintaining a strong faith, which proves essential on your spiritual journey. With a strong faith, through the power of the Holy Spirit, you can withstand any famine that you may encounter. By Donna Snow. 4 sessions.
Faith or Famine
Facedown Worship
Based on Psalm 95:6–7, explores who we worship and our dedication to worship of the Triune God in our day-to-day lives. God created every person with a need and desire to worship. Unfortunately, some worship false gods or idols, while others worship money, a lifestyle, or even self. By Donna Snow. 4 sessions.
Facedown Worship
Now also translated into Russian! Facedown Worship — Russian translation
I Surrender!
Based on Psalm 139:23–24, looks at the intimate relationship God desires for us. This study will help us come to understand just how much we need God's grace, mercy, and redemption that He so lovingly provides. By Donna Snow. 4 sessions.
I Surrender!
One Extraordinary Night
Based on Luke 2:8–14, helps you walk through the vivid colors of history to learn how God orchestrated that miraculous night that changed the world forever. Be transported to the shepherding fields near Bethlehem on that starry night. By Donna Snow. 4 sessions.
One Extraordinary Night
No Stranger in the Manger
Based on Matthew 2:2, 10–11. The Magi traveled many miles and months to find Jesus. Journey through this study to discover the wonder, miracle, and majesty of their search — Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah and Savior. By Donna Snow. 4 sessions.
No Stranger in the Manger
Bible Studies for Leaders
Christian Leaders Bible Study
This three-part Bible study and leader’s guide with insights into developing leadership attitudes and skills is ideal for a leadership workshop or Board of Directors’ study. By Rev. John Heckmann.
Christian Leaders Bible Study — Leader's Guide
Christian Leaders Bible Study — Study Guide
Gifted for Service
This spiritual gifts Bible study, including links to online spiritual gifts inventories, works for any size group.
Gifted for Service Bible Study
Mentoring Bible Studies
Bible Studies on mentoring can be found in the Mentoring Resource Kit and in Woman to Woman Mentoring.
View Short/Single Session Bible Studies
Go to Bible Studies main page
Video-Based Bible Studies & Resources
God's Word provides the light we need (Psalm 119:105). Our free downloadable online Bible study videos are written by pastors and other professionals. Each study has a discussion guide expanding the video footage with supporting Scripture, commentary, questions, and other features to maximize the topic.
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(Includes subtitles in English)In A Man Named Martin - Part 1: The Man viewers encounter a 15th-century religious reformer from Germany who broke ranks with the Catholic Church. This Bible study is the first of a three-part series devoted to Martin Luther -- a monk whose Spirit-inspired grasp of God's justification of sinners through faith in the Savior was the cornerstone of the Protestant Reformation.
(Includes subtitles in English)A Man Named Martin-Part 2: The Moment examines the errant teachings and wayward traditions of the Late Medieval Church that eventually sparked the Protestant Reformation, a theological overhaul set in motion most notably by Martin Luther's nailing of the 95 Theses to the church door at Wittenberg.
(Includes subtitles in English) From Luther's 95 Theses in 1517 to the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, God was at work in the Reformation. Fierce debates over Scripture, church doctrine, and late medieval church practice led to theological positions articulating salvation as God's grace in action, with man being left to add nothing to his own salvation. In A Man Named Martin - Part 3: The Movement, viewers will see how the Reformation transformed European society and, eventually, left a profound impression around the globe.
Bible On Trial: Beyond A Reasonable Doubt
By: Craig Parton, Esq.
(Includes subtitles in English & Spanish) - Biblical criticism, ancient historical voices, the illumination of archaeology, the testimony of first-century followers of Jesus Christ -- all these come to bear on the examination of the reliability of the Scriptures in The Bible On Trial: Beyond A Reasonable Doubt.
Called - A Nurturing Your Faith Study (Complete with all 4 sessions)
By: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler
(Includes subtitles in English)Nurturing Your Faith: Called is a four-session Bible study based on Ephesians. Individual sessions look at how we are called by God, called to faith, called to service, and called to share. Lutheran Hour Speaker Rev. Dr. Mike Zeigler gives a video introduction to all four sessions. Reflection questions are included.
Challenge of Islam (Part One): What is Islam?
By: Sam Shamoun
To the Western mind, the faith and practice of Islam are often a profound mystery. In recent years, this religion has emerged as a prominent -- yet misunderstood -- belief system. Listen as Sam Shamoun, an Arab-Christian, unveils some of the mystique surrounding this religion first preached by Muhammad and today practiced by more than one billion people worldwide.
Challenge of Islam (Part Two): Defending the Christian Faith
By: Sam Shamoun
In Part Two of this Men's NetWork Bible study, Sam Shamoun, an Arab-Christian, examines key texts from the Qur'an and the Bible. Among the items he sheds light on are Islamic presuppositions concerning the priority of the Qur'an, Bible texts considered corrupt by Muslims, the sonship of believers, and Islam's position on the Trinity.
Colt McCoy: A Father, A Son, and Football (Profiles Beyond the Spotlight Series)
By: Chris Schneider
Luke Bible Study (19:2921:38)online Lutheran Bible Study Bible
(Includes subtitles in English & Spanish) - In the high-stakes, big-money world of NFL football, players who boldly proclaim their faith in Jesus Christ are not the norm. Then again, Colt McCoy is not your typical player. In Colt McCoy: A Father, A Son, and Football, the Cleveland Browns' quarterback puts his service and commitment to God at the front of the line-even when the going gets tough.
Death... Then What?
By: Rev. Michael Newman
That we all die is pretty much agreed upon, it's what takes place two seconds later that makes us wonder. Explore this lively and completely relevant topic in Death ... Then What?
Explaining All The Scary Stuff In Revelation
By: Rev. Ken Klaus
(Includes subtitles in English & Spanish) - Nobody said demons, plagues, and an appointment with Armageddon would be fun, but it doesn't have to be feared-at least not for the Christian. Check out how the latest LHM Men's NetWork Bible study, Explaining All The Scary Stuff In Revelation, gives both insight-and encouragement to those who follow 'the bright Morning Star.'
Facing Disaster Like A Man
By: Rev. Kurt Klaus
(Includes subtitles in English & Spanish) - Disasters! Life's catastrophes come in many shapes and sizes, and their unwelcome intrusion leaves us reeling. Grief, profound uncertainty and -- not infrequently -- more questions than can reasonably be answered, rise from its wake. In this devastation, the heart is drawn to look for answers human reason cannot provide.
Fatherhood - with Joel Biermann
By: Dr. Joel D. Biermann
(Includes subtitles in English & Spanish) - Fatherhood is more than providing half the genetic material at conception; it's being there for the long haul. In Fatherhood with Joel Biermann the Concordia Seminary professor and dad relates how being a father is a demanding pursuit with a heavenly goal-raising kids who know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
He Who Dies With The Most Toys... Still Dies!
By: Rev. Tim Radkey
(Includes subtitles in English & Spanish) - Toys are the things that fill our lives. Most guys are pros in the fine art of stockpiling. Whether it's motorcycles or medals, our stuff isn't going with us when we finally 'pack it up' on our last day, so getting our priorities right according to God's Word is good for us and our families.
Home Run King
By: Rev. Tim Radkey
This men's Bible study aims to weave two passions into one. The first is a passion for the game of baseball-America's time-honored pastime. The second is a passion for growing into the husband, father, and spiritual leaders God has called us to be.
Utilizing Barna Group data, Lutheran Hour Ministries has produced Households of Faith, a four-session video study to help households apply three core habits that foster a spiritually vibrant household. These are 1) applying spiritual disciplines; 2) extending hospitality; and 3) engaging in spiritual conversations.
How We Got The Bible
By: Dr. Paul L. Maier
(Includes subtitles in English & Spanish) - As God's written Word, the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments are the source of His revelation to man.
Intersection of Church & State
By: Rev. Gregory Seltz
(Includes subtitles in English & Spanish) - In the U.S. the relationship between church and state is an energetic one. Voices and viewpoints line up across the spectrum. Some would argue from history there should be a 'wall of separation' between the two. Others maintain co-existence is not only necessary and inevitable, but can lead to positive results.
Joseph: Carpenter of Steel
By: Rev. Gregory Seltz
(Includes subtitles in English & Spanish) - The man driving the Christmas story in this Bible study is none other than Joseph, the foster-father of Jesus. Join us as host Rev. Gregory Seltz, Speaker for The Lutheran Hour, sheds light on one of the New Testament's unsung heroes in Joseph: Carpenter of Steel. Adding historical perspective to this study is scholar and best-selling author Dr. Paul L. Maier.
Journey from Unbelief to Faith
By: Rev. Dr. John Nunes
(Includes subtitles in English) The passage from unbelief or antagonism toward God to faith in Christ as Lord and Savior is a road that's different for each person. Follow the stories of four individuals from widely dissimilar pasts that arrived at the same conviction: Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior and because He is they must tell others about it.
Lost Books?
By: Rev. Gregory Seltz
(Includes subtitles in English) - Ever wondered if some texts were intentionally excluded from the Bible and why? In Lost Books? the Men's NetWork looks at why some ancient writings failed to make the cut for inclusion, why other texts most definitely met the standard, and why others, including those 'gospels' found in the last century, came up short.
(Includes subtitles in English) The Mormon Church (aka The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) means different things to different people. From its feel-good, family-oriented TV commercials to its Grammy- and Emmy-winning Mormon Tabernacle Choir to its bicycling missionaries, the Mormon Church is high profile all the way. Founded in the early 19th century, this religious movement boasts more than 15 million members and 85,000 missionaries, ranking it in the top five of 'Christian denominations' in the U.S., according to the National Council of Churches.
Ned Jarrett Never Rode Alone (Profiles Beyond the Spotlight Series)
By: Chris Schneider
(Includes subtitles in English & Spanish) - For those in the public eye living as a Christian is tough enough. Add to that the adrenalized lifestyle of professional sports car racing and staying grounded in one's faith would seem a near impossibility. This was not the case with veteran NASCAR driver Ned Jarrett, a multiple race winner and 2011 inductee into the NASCAR Hall of Fame. His secret: God rode alongside him in every race.
Noah - The Man, The Ark, The Flood
By: Rev. Kurt Klaus
(Includes subtitles in English) A five centuries-old man building a huge boat on the startling news of coming floodwaters - sounds like the makings of one remarkable story. It is. Jump in and get your feet wet with Noah: The Man, The Ark, The Flood, the latest Bible study from the Men's NetWork.
Nurturing Your Faith: Forgiveness - Session 1: Practicing Forgiveness
By: Rev. Dr. Chad Lakies
This first study on forgiveness begins with man's sin dilemma, its dire consequences, and God's merciful solution to our problem. As we have been forgiven through Jesus, so are we to forgive others.
Nurturing Your Faith: Forgiveness - Session 2: Conditions of Forgiveness
By: Rev. Dr. Chad Lakies
This second session looks at the tie between our sins and God's mercy. We'll consider the effect of David's sin on his life and faith, what Jesus says about forgiving others, and how God's forgiveness transformed the lives of Peter and Paul.
Nurturing Your Faith: Forgiveness - Session 3: Possibilities of Forgiveness
By: Rev. Dr. Chad Lakies
Session three notes that while God's pardon is unconditional, ours is often loaded with stipulations or given sparingly. Forgiveness is considered in respect to the treachery of Joseph's brothers, the sins of the prodigal son, and those who mistreated Paul.
Out of Nothing: The Word, Creation and Faith
By: Rev. Steve Misch
In this Bible study, Pastor Steve Misch considers theories of evolution, the plausibility of random chance, man's spiritual and physical nature, and how God's creation and salvation are intrinsically linked in the person of Jesus Christ.
Peace. We want it. We fight for it. We even die for it. But can we ever achieve it? This Men's NetWork Bible study took to the streets to ask the question, is peace possible? The responses, as you will see, range from the philosophic and cynical to the pessimistic and hopeful.
Prayer - A Nurturing Your Faith Study
By: Don Everts
(Includes subtitles in English) The Bible study Nurturing Your Faith: Prayer is a four-session series exploring the role of different types of prayer in the believer's life. Prayers of intercession, gratitude, confession, and praise are considered in various scriptural settings by highlighting a particular prayer's context, who offered it, and why. An opening video featuring Rev. Don Everts prefaces each session and gives context to what follows.
Reel to Real - Of Fish and Men
By: Bruce Wurdeman
(Includes subtitles in English) - As Reel to Real-Of Fish and Men shows, there's more to fishing than catching fish. Listen in as five guys talk about temptations, trophy catches, the one that got away, and that day when the fishing season finally ends-for all of us.
(Includes subtitles in English)The simple truth is life is full of regrets. Imprinted on our psyches, some resist all attempts at erasure. What do we do when the condemning memory of past offense(s) won't be silenced? Is there a way out beyond our backstory? Regrets, Reality, Restoration shows there is, by sharing the life stories of those who have found resolution and victory over the heartache of their pasts.
Running the Race
By: Chris Schneider
(Includes subtitles in English) - Commitment, training, endurance, attitude-it's the stuff legends are made of-both in the lives of world-class athletes and true men of God. See how the lessons learned from sports are applicable to the real-life world of following Jesus in Running The Race.
The first DVD of the series. Now available-Sunday school lessons that are more scripturally nutritional than ever!
Trying to view/download the videos online? Visit!
Second Disc in the series. If only Sunday school was like this!
Trying to view/download the videos online? Visit!
Third disc in the series. Join Bruce as he continues to amaze you with the stuff your teacher never told you about.
This is the fourth disc in the series as Bruce Wurdeman continues to take you on adventures, explaining them in a way you've never heard them before.
This is the fifth disc in the series as Bruce Wurdeman takes you through the Old Testament, hearing things just a little bit different than you might remember from when you were in Sunday school.
This is the sixth DVD in the 'Stuff' series. Join Bruce Wurdeman as he bridges the gap between the Old and New Testaments and launches into the Gospels, beginning with the books of Matthew and Mark.
This is DVD number seven in the 'Stuff' series. Here Bruce Wurdeman looks at what Luke and John have to say about the purpose of Jesus' life, ministry and mission-from the manger to the cross and beyond.
In this 8th collection of 'Stuff They Didn't Teach Me in Sunday School About This New Thing called 'Church' viewers will witness the unfolding drama of the church as it comes to life.
In this 9th (and final) collection of 'Stuff...' viewers get an inside look into what the earliest Christians experienced.
The Eager Conversationalist/Spiritual Conversation Curve Workshops
By: Jason Broge and Don Everts
Drawing on Barna Group data contained in the 2018 monograph Spiritual Conversations in the Digital Age, Lutheran Hour Ministries is offering two workshops: the first, Eager Conversationalists, examines spiritual conversations. It offers insights to help us become more intentional-more eager-to engage in spiritual conversations with others. The second, The Spiritual Conversation Curve, offers help in getting past conversational hurdles. This is possible when we focus on someone's 'spiritual posture,' so as not to impose a conversation that's forced or ill-timed.
The Great Deceiver
By: Rev. Michael Newman
(Includes subtitles in English) - It should come as no surprise that an adversary fit to be called the 'god of this world' and the 'power of darkness' is a force to be reckoned with. And so he is. In The Great Deceiver explore a being so diabolical he will stop at nothing to separate us from God.
The Real St. Nick: Leader, Legend or Lie
By: Rev. Ken Klaus
(Includes subtitles in English & Spanish) - This single-session Bible study, hosted by the Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus-Speaker of The Lutheran Hour, examines a man who, next to Jesus Christ, is the most visible figure during the holidays—St. Nicholas or Santa Claus—as we know him in Western culture. Dating back to the third century, St. Nick is attributed with the doing of many benevolent and charitable acts of kindness and generosity.
Due to the nature of the program and its future broadcast use, we are not able to allow free downloads for 'This is the Life' like we do for our other products.
Here's TV from television's 'Golden Age.' Check out these nine episodes of This is the Life. Watch stars like Jack Nicholson, Leonard Nimoy, Angie Dickinson, and Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs cut their teeth on their craft-long before they hit the 'big time.'
Warriors of Faith
By: Chaplain, Lieutenant Colonel, Steven Hokana
(Includes subtitles in English) - Service members of the United States Armed Forces are met with challenges on and off the battlefield. Warriors of Faith -- Military Men, a Men's NetWork Bible study written especially for these servicemen and women, explores the issues of anger, grief, guilt, forgiveness and love, as they impact the lives of those who have served, or are now serving, their country.
(Includes subtitles in English) The formation and growth of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in the United States is examined in this video resource. It features expert commentary, instructive graphics, and details the Christ-centered mission-and potential-of the LCMS.
We the People: Citizens of Two Kingdoms
By: Dr. Dale Meyer
Politics and politicians -- there's seemingly no way to escape them. Though government and those who govern are often criticized by press and citizen alike, it is through government that God works His designs in this world. Join host Dr. Dale Meyer as he surveys government in history, the character of the United States as a nation, and the Christian's role as a citizen of any country.
Who Am I? What Am I Doing Here?
By: Dr. Joel D. Biermann
The universe, God's will, speaking the Christ story, true human fulfillment, God's Law, the point of it all-these are some of the ideas in Pastor Joel Biermann's explorative video Bible study. In six sessions, he takes us from the beginning to that place where, on the Last Day, we find our greatest realization as humans.
Winning the Race
By: Chris Schneider
Luke Bible Study (19:2921:38)online Lutheran Bible Study Scriptures
(Includes subtitles in English) - Just as athletes compete to win, so do we in the human arena. The contestants we battle, however, are frequently ourselves, our circumstances, and struggles we wage against the powers of darkness in this fallen world. While our personal scorecard may reveal a lackluster performance, God wants each of us to take the ultimate prize -- the crown of life -- already won for us by Jesus Christ.
Working For the Man Upstairs - Your Job... Your Calling... Your Life!
By: Rev. Tim Radkey
Luke Bible Study (19:2921:38)online Lutheran Bible Study Lessons
Is it work you're looking for or a chance to serve God? Can they be one and the same? Join us as we consider Working for the Man Upstairs, the newest Men's NetWork Bible study. See how our jobs-no matter what they might be-are a conduit through which God's work is done in this world.
Luke Bible Study (19:2921:38)online Lutheran Bible Study Guide
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