Batch pause command Answered I was just wondering if there was a way to customize the message in a batch file to say something other then 'press any key to continue.' Or hiding the message with 'nul' thanks Batchers Unite!!! Actually, I think this is the expected way of doing it. Since the PAUSE command doesn't accept arguments, you suppress its output, echoing your message just before PAUSE. I've seen batch files using this technique a lot of times. – LRMAAX Jan 26 '16 at 2:34. To make our batch program delay or wait we make use of the function Timeout. Description: This utility accepts a timeout parameter to wait for the specified time period (in seconds) or until any key is pressed. It also accepts a parameter to ignore the key press. A protip by zaus about debug, batch, windows, and batch file. PAUSE — Causes the batch file to pause until a standard key (e.g., the spacebar) is pressed. TIMEOUT — Prompts the batch file to wait for a specified number of seconds (or a key press) before proceeding. PING — Pauses the batch file until the file receives a return ping from a specified computer address.
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Pause Batch File Windows 10
@echooff |
setlocalenableextensions |
sete=echo |
setp=pause |
for /f %%A in (''prompt $H & echo on & for %%B in (1) do rem'') do set'bs=%%A' |
mode con:cols=60 lines=8 |
%e%. &%e%. &%e% Detecting CCleaner (%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%) ... |
setc64=%ProgramFiles(x86)%CCleaner |
setc32=%programfiles%CCleaner |
ifexist'%c64%' ( |
'%c64%CCleaner64.exe'&goto run |
) else ( |
'%c32%CCleaner.exe'&goto run |
) |
cls |
%e%. |
%e%. |
pause>nul|set /P =%bs% Error: CCleaner not found! |
:run |
cls |
%e%. |
%e%. |
seti= |
set /P i=%bs% Shutdown Computer? [Y/n]: |
if '%i%'' goto run |
if /I %i%y goto YES |
if /I %i%n gotoexit |
if /I %i%q gotoexit |
if /I %i%x gotoexit |
ifexist'invalid.bat' ( |
call invalid |
) else ( |
%e%. |
pause>nul|set /P =%bs% Invalid selection! |
goto run |
) |
:YES |
shutdown -s -t 03 -c 'Shutting down Windows...' |
:exit |
cls |
%e%. |
title%SystemRoot%system32cmd.exe |
%e% Goodbye! |
Batch File Wait Command
Pause Batch File For A Minute
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