Public domain Max/msp V4.x files
(constructed on PC but should work with max 4.x on either PC or Mac)
- Pitch tracking monophonic synthesizer .(Good for guitar, woodwind or even vocals) requires the fiddle~ external to work
- Pizz,a more advanced plucked violin string model. A standard max patch no externals required. Listen (soundcloud)
- Wobbleiser,Download (Max/msp zipped)sci fi and industrial sound effects generator, drones, alien machines, soundscapes, simple but fun.
NATO.0+55+3d was an application software for realtime video and graphics, released by 0f0003 Maschinenkunst and the Netochka Nezvanova collective in 1999 for the classic Mac OS operating system. Being one of the earliest applications to allow realtime video manipulation and display, it was used by artists for a large variety of purposes, prominently for live performance, VJing and interactive. MAX/MSP PATCHES ALL 86 videos Audio-React Particles Shaders Math gen video JS Nature of Code Noise Material Text Transform-Feedback. Max/MSP Externals - Abstractions. New Easy Tool for Projection Mapping. Patch from Music Hackspace Live Stream. Video-Lines Kurokawa Style. Arrange Text in Circular Patterns (First Typography.
- Max Patch (.maxpat file): You can send your patch to any person who owns Max and has it installed. That person can open it directly, edit and save. There's also a 30-day demo available for download. During the 30-day period, that person can open it directly, edit and save.
- Max/MSP 4.5.7 Runtime (5.8 MB) Max/MSP Software Development Kit (SDK) (1.5 KB) Important Installation Notes: If you are a Pluggo and/or Jitter user, you will need to also download and install the Pluggo version 3.5.4 and/or Jitter version 1.5.2 in order for them to work with Max/MSP 4.5.7. Documentation is in PDF format.
Max/msp V5.x
- Stutter, Download (Max/msp zipped) slices live audio in to random sections then automatically loops and repitches the audio in realtime.
This patch imitates the guitar effects used by Radiohead on the track 'Go to Sleep' Provided with a user friendly interface.
Just select a preset and play.
- Node simple analogue style subtractive synth something like a moog in character. This one is PC only (sorry Mac users) and makes use of the new Max 5 interface features. Screenshot below. Anyone who liked the Node recordings will probably have fun with this.
- PolyMod - Four voice poly synthesizerDownload (Max/msp zipped)based (loosely) on physical modelling principles, no externals required. (New version 2 available, improved sustain handling and cpu usage, missing files now added)Listen (soundcloud)
- Flute Performance ready flute physical model. No externals needed.
New V2 - Some Mac/PC incompatibility fixed, added some comments on vector size.
audio example of some of what the flute model can do (taken from the piece Ophidian).listen (mp3)
- Bowed and struck bars (metal and wood), ethnic drum, banded waveguide physical model.
- Dynamic Convolution Synthesis, an experimental patch for synthesising realistic drums. This combines elements from physical modelling and convolution synthesis with some of the ease of sampling.This patch is intended as a resource for the accompanying Computer Music Journal article.Download (Maxmsp zipped)
Not public domain as yet -
Max/msp clariflupet hybrid waveguide physical model Listen (soundcloud)
Max/msp pizzicato gong hybrid waveguide and convolution instrument Listen (soundcloud)
Max/msp bowed double bass waveguide physical model
Max/msp DCM synthesis, hybrid convolution/physical modelling percussion synthesis.
Unsolicited testimonials!
'I stumbled across your physical models of flute and strings. Great job, thank you for sharing!'
Robert Henke (co developer of Ableton Live and founding member of Monolake)
'In my googling about for a decent pitch-tracking synthesizer for Max/MSP, I was really happy to find your webpage and your guitar-synth patch. I'm an electric violinist and Max programmer in New York City. I play in a rock trio and am doing some performance art projects, and this patch is really what I was looking for!! Always wanted to get that low guitar chug on my vio, and the second preset through a Fender amp sounds amazing. Thanks for keeping it open source, and let me know if you want future versions, as I'm going to keep developing it.'
-Sean Hagerty
Max Msp Download
Max Msp Free Download
'I was looking for some good examples of physical modelling in Max and I came across your patches. PolyMod and Pizz are fantastic.'
Oli Larkin, University of York